Luminous Grounds
Majestic oaks reach so high up as if to defy gravity. Up into a luminous sky brilliant with swirling patterns of reflected light. Dancing circles of light behind textured branch and bough imbue the sylvan scene with utterly amazing depth and movement
I use an array of hand tools - burnishers, wire brushes and grinders to create layered polished textures. Then I print my photographic - based imagery on top with a very special kind of large format printer myself in my studio. The process results in works of astonishing 3-D depth and movement.
I call the process "Luminous Grounds."
The first time I showed this ground breaking new work, sales shattered all my previous records by a huge margin. As the body of Luminous Grounds artwork grows, so does it's popularity among fans and first time viewers a like.
It's impossible to convey the special qualities of this art form in a still photograph. So here's a brief video. I'll be adding lots more in the future. So stay tuned!